Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Today I....

Baked cookies with my kids

Cooked chili as our Christmas Eve meal.

Felt so many emotions... Sad/anxious for my cousin and her baby, joyful seeing my kids' Christmas Eve joy, miserable because of this brutal lung sickness I got from my hubby, grateful for all that God has done for us in this hard season, sad remembering the miscarriage that happened on Christmas morning last year, more excited than ever to give my kids gifts since they've lost so much.

Listened to a family Christmas playlist on repeat!

Played Mario Kart with my loves. 

Prayed so many times for my cousin, her preemie baby, and their family

Prepped homemade orange cinnamon rolls for our special Christmas breakfast tomorrow

Read the second-to-last chapter of The Christmas Bus, my buddy read with my mom this year. 

Sipped a healthier storebought holiday nog, yum.

Stayed home in leggings and a hoodie all day!

Watched I'll be Home for Christmas (reminded us both of our  childhood years but wasn't necessarily a win for us) while we stuffed stockings and wrapped presents. 


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon! <3

  2. Merry Christmas, Sarah! Happiness to your family. May all sorrows remain in the past, and may there be much joy and goodness ahead!๐ŸŒฒ❄❤๐Ÿ™


Thanks so much for your comments! I always read them, don't always have time to answer quickly. Sorry about that!